When you acquire one of these special pieces you make a significant impact on our family. It’s our hope that this art piece brings joy, happiness and LOVE to the walls, bookshelves, and table-scapes of your home.
In May of 2017, when our family made a sudden trip in the middle of the night to the local children’s ER, we never would have imagined the journey ahead, but the Lord has used what the devil meant to harm us, for good, just like He promises.
Kinnen loves to sing, play tag, look for birds and pet all the cats. She loves Veggie Tales, animals and being really silly. She’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to us. Perspective shifts when you go through challenges and in our case, it’s ignited our love and desire to make an in impact in others lives. This project is a piece of that, our goal being to wipe out Kinnen’s bills and continue to believe that what Ephesians 4:20 says: “God will achieve infinitely more than our greatest request, our most-unbelievable dream, and exceed our wildest imagination!”
Thank you for your support. We love you and Jesus loves you too!
Blake, Chelsea & Kinnen